A woman smiling brightly wearing a black blazer with a pale yellow dress, she is looking directly at the camera and smiling while leaning against a wall.Donna Howitt is the Place Strategy Director at Liverpool ONE.

As Place Strategy Director, Donna Howitt is at the helm of shaping the future of Liverpool ONE, developing its corporate values and brand; driving marketing strategy; and fostering community engagement. 

Donna joined Liverpool ONE in 2007 as Marketing Director, leading the launch of the retail and entertainment destination which, at the time, was the largest regeneration project of its kind in Europe.  

As deputy chair of Liverpool City Region’s Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP), she is now responsible for ensuring stakeholder engagement across the city region, cultivating strategic partnerships that are essential for the continued growth and vibrancy of the wider city.  

Additionally, Donna plays a pivotal role in Liverpool ONE’s contribution to social impact, leading The Liverpool ONE Foundation, which invests in community projects that promote positive mental health and wellbeing among local young people.  

She is also a Trustee Director with the Community Foundation for Lancashire & Merseyside, which administers The Liverpool ONE Foundation. 






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