A detailed description of Positive Spin for those who are visually impaired
Positive Spin is a 5.5m high box-like unit suspended on an arch surround covered in cabochon lights. Three illuminated rotating drums sit at its centre with illustrated symbols on, similar to a fruit machines. A light box in the shape of a rainbow sits on top of the unit and suspended above that is an arch of neon multi-coloured letters that spell POSITIVE SPIN.
A detailed description of Positive Spin for those who are hearing impaired
A psychedelic inspired soundscape, reminiscent of arcade machines loop while you interact with the machine.
Visual and Light considerations
Set across 3 large curved screens, a series of animated symbols will scroll past the viewer, beneath each screen is located a large button which allows the viewer to stop the animation and select a symbol, once all 3 symbols have been selected the machine responds with a tightly choreographed pulsing lighting and video display and plays back a fortune reading across the screens, before gently resetting for the next audience member.
Noise considerations
The installation is accompanied by a soft, ambient soundscape with clear poppy chord sequences and tactile sounds that define the gaming elements.
General considerations
- The approach and circulation areas are level (please note that the area is cobbled and has flagstone and as such not totally even). Access to the installation is ramped.
Whilst the installation itself does not contain any seating areas, benches are situated in the vicinity of the installation in the area
Easy Read Description can be found here.
Quiet hour measures
River of Light will be organising four 'Quiet Hour' sessions for 2024. They will take place on the following days/times: -
- Sunday 27 October, Monday 28 October, Sunday 3 November and Monday 4 November.
- 4pm - 5pm
Measures that will be in place during the 'Quiet Hour' staging will be different for each installation and further details can be found here.
During the Quiet Hour, the installation will run quieter and with the lights dimmed. Additionally, the spinning symbols on the drums will be rotating on a lower speed.
- All installations will have a member of staff present who is there for your safety and will be able to answer any specific queries you may have.
Accessibility information for River of Light
Impulse accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Impulse by Lateral Design
Piano Walk accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Piano Walk by Amigo & Amigo
Rangoli Mirrored Cosmos accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Rangoli Mirrored Cosmos by MURUGIAH
Bubblesque accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Bubblesque by Atelier Sisu
Illusion Hole accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Illusion Hole UxU Studio
Positive Spin accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Positive Spin by Liz Harry
Lightbattle III accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Lightbattle III by VENIVIDIMULTIPLEX
LAPS accessibility information
Accessibility guide for LAPS by Olivier Landreville
Bunch of Tulips accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Bunch of Tulips by Koros
No Place Like Gnome accessibility information
Accessibility guide for No Place Like Gnome
Checkmate accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Checkmate by Amigo & Amigo
Firefly Field accessibility information
Accessibility guide for Firefly Field by Studio Toer
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River of Light 2024 programme: Play
The 7th edition of River of Light is here from October 25 - November 5.